Тренинг Dictogloss
Does it ring a bell? Did you know that there are over 3 variations of this teaching technique? It means that a teacher can employ one of the variations per lesson, saving the others to keep diversity of the introduction stage for the future. This innovative approach combines creative writing, listening, and speaking skills to provide a dynamic and engaging learning environment. It is absolutely teacher-friendly and helps you to save your lesson preparation time.
The given teaching approach will be particularly interesting for those teachers who have been working so long with their students that it seems there’s nothing that can actually spark the interest and add energy to the lesson.
Certificate of Attendance issued
- Required level: C1 and above
- Format: Online and Offline
- September 16, 11 AM Minsk Time
- Duration: 4 hours with a coffee break hour(s)
Trainer: Galina Kaptiug, international teacher trainer, Cambridge Celta and Delta certified, regular speaker at ELT conferences
With Dictogloss, you can introduce new target language in a creative way that will keep your students engaged and ensure high efficiency quotient.
Стоимость Тренинг Dictogloss
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- Сообщите нашему менеджеру об успешном завершении оплаты по телефону.
80 бел.р
Тренинги Teacher Training Center
Workshops for Experienced Teachers
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