Тренинг ARC – a jaw-dropping alternative to a lesson structure
ARC stands for ‘Authentic Restricted Clarifying’. It was first introduced to the ELT world by Jim Scrivener, the author of several books for teachers such as ‘Learning Teaching’, ‘Teaching English Grammar’, ‘Classroom Management’ etc.
This surprisingly simple teaching technique allows your students to actively practice the target language right from the first minutes of the class. You’ll also me amazed how flexible it is and how easily it can be adjusted to different levels. ARC is totally teacher-friendly, doubles students’ talking time in the lesson and gives them the sense of achievement.
Certificate of Attendance issued
- Required level: C1 and above
- Format: Offline
- September 23, at 2 PM Minsk Time
- Duration: 2 hour(s)
Trainer: Galina Kaptiug, international teacher trainer, Cambridge Celta and Delta certified, regular speaker at ELT conferences
This surprisingly simple teaching technique allows your students to actively practice the target language right from the first minutes of the class
Стоимость Тренинг ARC – a jaw-dropping alternative to a lesson structure
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